“The genius of the Healers Academy is working individually and collectively with some of the most gifted practitioners in the field of Energy Medicine! You get hands on experience in the use of the BLUEPRINT and CPRT. These transformational tools go so deep, and to have the support of the academy while discovering how to use them, for yourself and in your practice, has value beyond expression! I would tell anyone who is considering joining to not just dip your toe in the water, but jump in, full immersion, and experience it for yourself!!"
ET, Utah
Working with Tam is a rejuvenating breath of fresh, clean, potent, pure, not of this world air. She is incredibly skilled and competent and is the first mentor that raised me up to feel on par with her. I love being with her and credit her with my new life. The modality she created and her own personal sessions with me freed me from bondage. She walked with me and held my hand through the immense healing she facilitated. I was so safe, unjudged, and LOVED. Without all the immense yuck, I was free to move forward in my life and truly have a new one built grounded in empowering foundations rather than my cracked, crumbling fear based ones. I am a new woman. Safe to be me, explore the world and I actually enjoy being here. All my gratitude, Tam for your brilliance and letting yourself shine!"
NP, Utah
The day after my first session, I felt like I was forgetting something on my way to work. After going through my mental checklist, I realized that I had everything plus things I never usually had time to prepare for my day. I thought some more about why I was feeling like this and the epiphany dawned. I wasn't packing all my emotional baggage. It had been such a constant companion that I felt its absence quite acutely and happily!"
NS, Idaho
As for myself, I felt I was at a crossroads in my life before I started working with the Bleuprint and CPRT. Circumstances were such that I knew if I didn't find answers I wouldn't be able to stay in my marriage or even function at any healthy level in life because I had built up so much mental and emotional baggage, and it was all catching up to me. As a result of working with you and all the other practitioners with the Healers Blueprint, I have been able to clear out an immense cloud of pain and darkness that had blurred my vision of life so much that before it had only been one of hopelessness and despair. It was like light at the end of the tunnel! There was a way to break the chains and cycles I had felt I was caught in with no way out! As a result I am feeling a truer sense of being me and experiencing life and relationships with more joy and hope than ever. It has always been my desire to live my life in a joyful and pleasing way to my Heavenly Father through letting my light shine and blessing others. How can we truly shine if we are so filled with the scars and sorrows of yesterdays past that our light is dimmed or barely a flicker? I am so thankful to my Savior that he has shown me a path back to healing through Him! That is something that I appreciate so much in you Tam and in the Healers Blueprint, is that your approach is to steer us back, to help us remember again who the True Healer is and to know how to accept His healing instead of rejecting or blocking it out of our lives through guilt and sorrow and pain."
AW, Utah
I have been working with someone else who has battled extreme Depression for most of her life. She has spent many years of her past in and out of Mental Hospitals and being controlled by drugs just to survive. She was so harsh on herself and her ability to be a Mother and wife that she turned to depression to escape life, being too afraid to face fears of failing and worthlessness, but since working through the Healers Blueprint and with CPRT sessions she has found the courage and strength to love herself again and see herself through the eyes of her Savior. She is now embracing life and giving her fears to her Savior and going forward in life once more, now home enjoying her children and finding greater love and hope in her marriage than ever before! Hope some of these help! Thank you! "I have been plagued all my life with feelings I didn't understand, or know where they came from. Through our sessions, which seem to be cumulative, I am finding that situations that used to trigger so much anxiety and pain, no longer bother me. I feel an strong inner sense of who I am, and am able to interact with people from that place more and more! I love this work, and I love that it is centered in Christ as the true source of our healing."
JS, Utah
It is amazing to me the peace you find when you unearth a belief that has been running your life for 20 years! All of a sudden, there are no mean people in your life, just those that do not know what belief they have that is creating chaos in their life."
Suzanne, Idaho
I have been working with my Mother, who, through a childhood of extreme psychological, emotional and sexual abuse and trauma, has been able to let go of this massive burden of despair that literally had her body shutting down with cancer and a host of other health issues through The Healers Blueprint, CPRT and other energy work. She is no longer running a race that she alone, could never win, but is instead experiencing the freedom from that pain and tremendous burden she once carried by giving it over to her Savior and finding true forgiveness in her heart to let it go. She is still growing daily and looking forward to living life again in the truest sense and is cancer free!
I just wish to express how grateful I am I could have been with the Academy ... which comes hand in hand with my realization I am going to miss Monday mornings and homework, trade partners, mentors. This has become part of my life and I wish it stayed with me. I really appreciated [Hardwired For Happy]. It is such a great programme and it meant so much to me. I feel I progressed so much with these homeworks. I really appreciated, huge 5 for HW4H :-) and thanks a lot you have created the programme, I could make a book of short stories on how I applied these concepts in practice for me and family members. I love that I can both listen and read the information".
VS, Czech Republic
Amazing how much lighter, unburdened, and relaxed I feel!"
Marie, Idaho
The Healers Blueprint took me to the core of my dysfunction in weeks...honestly, I would (have never otherwise) addressed in this lifetime. Getting to help other people shift at this quantum speed is an awe-inspiring gift. I am filled (with light)...each and everytime. It has enhanced my intuition by leaps and bounds.
I can't believe my low back, knees and heels stopped hurting and feel GREAT! Thank you!"
Charlotte, Utah
Healers Blueprint has been a blessing in my life. As I have worked with family and clients it has been a roadmap a guideline providing signs to evaluate and see more clearly. I’m always amazed at how the Holy Spirit reveals truths, using the exact words the client needs to hear to motivate change and needed transformation and release. The Healer’s Blueprint is the tool that has helped open my spiritual eyes to see what I can not see with my physical eyes.
I am amazed at how healers blueprint has awakened the spiritual sensitivity and insight inside of me.
Tam and the Healer’s Blueprint came into my life during a major trauma and have provided a sort of life-line for me. I have been amazed to learn how much my thoughts, feelings, behavior, and health are impacted by past experiences, which can create “blocks” which can be identified and released, thus restoring health, happiness, and a sense of control This has been a miracle for me. I think anyone and everyone should take this class. You’re never too young or old to understand and repair what makes you tick!